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Writer's pictureAr. Stephanie L.P. Chan

Town & Country Planning has their say

Hello all, November crept up out of nowhere! As the year draws to a close we expected things to be easing up. However, a new memo was circulated about renovation & extension projects in Brunei.

It used to be that projects of this sort could be submitted directly to ABCI (building authorities) however, towards best practices, they are now required to obtain approval from the big guns TCP.

And rightly so as this department governs plot ratios. As such, any extension of a home will affect the plot ratio calculation, so it only makes sense that the projects will require their OK beforehand.

It may seem like a hassle to some.

However plot ratio relates directly to density and landscape matters, which indirectly relates to drainage and hence surface water runoff matters.

In all, there are many related factors that ought to be considered, so from the bigger picture, kudos for the new implementation. It's just something we'll need to get used to!

On another matter of design, there's a new imposition of control of facades for those housing residential schemes.

I suppose, again, rather than see it as a form of control, it's higher objective is to maintain a pleasant coherent aesthetic throughout the neighborhood so surely, this must be a good thing! Therefore, any new extensions to a home will have to somehow match the existing design.

For those looking to expand their home, we hope this has given you some insight. Anyways, some news just in and always happy to share.

Thank you for reading!

Post first appeared on Ask An Architect

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